What is it about the rich that the average among us are still trying to figure out? Good question!
Time management: Most of us have heard that famous quote or sayings about 'You have the same amount of time as Michael Angelo, Mother Theresa etc" We've all been blessed with the same 24 hours a day! The real secret here is how effective we manage our individual time from the time we rise in the morning until the end of that day.
Planning and setting goals are very important way to start effective time management,in fact could be the key! Studying the subject from time to time, ome can easily implement these steps daily and ongoing..
Write down and keep a log of your short and long term goals, daily ,monthly and yearly .
Plan for each day. Each week and your monthly goals .For some people this is best done in the evening, when their energy is high and they can think clearly about what they have done on that day and what needs to be done the next day. For others this is best done first thing in the morning. Use whichever method, morning or evening, which works best for you. The important thing is to do it every day.
Achieving your long term goals which are usually associated with bigger visions warrants setting smaller achievable daily or weekly short-term goals.
Accountability plays a big role in the successful goal setting leading to effective time management, having a mentor to hold one accountable for your goal, short or long -term can immensely contribute to proper time management.
Eliminate unaccountable time wasting activities, set a goal of how much time you're going to be spending daily on any or number of social networks, what are you trying to accomplish? new business contacts? re-establishing old contacts, it all comes down to how much time you're willing to invest each day, for any productive outcome..
Try these Tips for a month then re-evaluate your time management success.
Until next time.
Sade Powers.